Theresa Wood

Thoughts from the Campaign Trail...

First and foremost, I have enjoyed meeting and talking with so many people in Buel’s Gore, Duxbury, Huntington and Waterbury over the last few months.  It has been a wonderful journey to listen, learn and share our experiences and hopes for this wonderful State we live in.  I am proud to have earned the support of independent-minded people – young and old, Democrats and Republicans.  I have run a positive, grass-roots campaign that has focused on my qualifications, my ability to collaborate and get things done.  As the campaign season ends, I wanted to share a few thoughts on some important topics:

Human Services – My life’s work up to this point has been about helping people.  Pure and simple – I believe that what we do for others and what we help people achieve with a little assistance, defines who we are, not just as a person but as a society.  Vermont has a good safety net; but it needs constant vigilance and advocacy to protect that net for those that need it.

Education – I spent 12 years on school boards in Waterbury-Duxbury (at one point I was on 3 at the same time).  Quality education is delivered through a collaborative effort between well-qualified staff and involved families.  During my tenure, I’m proud that we hired great staff, and through maximizing state funding, we built an award-winning middle school, and we renovated an historical landmark that is our primary school.  We focused on developmentally-appropriate curriculum, including bringing true middle-level education to our children.  During my tenure as Board Chair, Crossett Brook Middle School was recognized as a Spotlight School by the New England League of Middle Schools.  We achieved these results through a careful balance of strategic investments in areas such as reading and math, while insuring an overall quality and affordable education that our communities continue to support.

My support for education is clear, and I will remain a strong advocate for quality education for all children, including advancing early education opportunities.

Property Taxes – the lion’s share of property taxes are used to fund education.  While Act 60 and 68 have helped equalize education opportunities for children, after more than 10 years and changing economic conditions, it does not provide equity for taxpayers.  Education financing formulae have a shelf life, and Act 68 is nearing the end of its shelf life – it has become too complicated and too far removed from the transparency that’s necessary for taxpayers.  I will work for education financing to be balanced, fair, and more transparent, and based less on property value and more on ability to pay.

Economy – every candidate talks about increasing the number of good-paying jobs in Vermont.  I am no exception.  The economy will pick up when businesses, including those that are part of our rural economy, are encouraged to expand. We’ve seen evidence that people are returning to work with lower unemployment rates and real estate that has started to move again.  I will work to increase the number of working Vermonters.

Energy– I believe that Entergy Nuclear is a company that cannot be trusted; they have proven that.  The Senate voted not to renew Vermont Yankee’s permit; and I support that decision.  What the House of Representatives’ role will be is not clear.  I believe in strategic investments that are consistent with Vermont’s landscape to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.  Admittedly, renewable energy is an area that I will need to learn more about, and I am committed to doing so.

Health Care– like education, I believe that health care is a fundamental right.  Vermont is among the top tier of states that have achieved substantial coverage for the vast majority of its citizens.  However, we are not there yet.  We will need to continue to address the incidence and severity of chronic conditions as they account for so much of the health care dollar spent each day.  In order to invest in other important areas, we need to moderate the overall share that health care takes out of every dollar in Vermont.  I look forward to learning the results of the legislative study commissioned during the last session, to evaluate and determine the next best steps for Vermont.